Saturday, September 10, 2011

The last few weeks...

Wow, I cannot believe I have a little over a month to go! Today we took maternity family pictures in the park before I am too puffy to be recognizable.

Seth hated taking pictures, he just wanted to play in the grass and throw leaves in the stream. I'm not sure how many good ones we got but that's ok. The point was to commemorate the last few weeks of our family of three.

Seems so surreal that we will be a family of four and it won't be just 'me and my boys' anymore. I have adored these past two years and the close bond that we have formed as a little family. Baby girl will fit in like she was always here and then this family will be complete and ready to take on whatever comes our way.

We can't wait to meet you, little sweetie. Soon, very soon.